We develop employee potential
Просмотреть вакансииProviding Company with highly qualified personnel, maintaining high corporate culture and social responsibility are priority guidelines of Kazakhmys Group. Effective corporate management is impossible without creating an environment of involvement in achieving a common goal. Against the background of wholesale redundancy in many sectors of economy, Kazakhmys adheres to the policy that human capital is the key asset of the Company, and actively promoting programs to retain its employees. As of today, Kazakhmys Group employs about 38 thousand employees.
Training experts
Implementing Personnel Management Strategy approved in 2014, Kazakhmys has invested heavily in improvement of processes ensuring high efficiency in personnel management, bringing them in compliance with world practices and standards, thereby increasing the value of the Company.
At the same time, the matters of training and attracting highly qualified specialists to the Company, creating environment for proper performance, which are the key drivers in the emerging Personnel Professional Development Strategy until 2026, remain open.
As of today, the basis for safe and efficient production process is in professional training and personnel growth. As part of mandatory training, employees of Kazakhmys Group receive annual training and pass testing on industrial and fire safety, occupational health and safety, electrical safety and other types of regulated training.
For this purpose Personnel Training and Retraining Center (including 61 courses and vocational professions) are functioning at Kazakhmys corporate colleges of Zhezkazgan and Balkhash regions. Corporate colleges, implementing dual system of education, having up-to-date facilities and resources and experienced teaching staff, provide training for specialists with secondary vocational education to meet the needs of the Company's enterprises in the workforce.
Training highly qualified senior and technical-engineering personnel requires Kazakhmys to focus efforts on the formation, development and management of the personnel reserve in structural units of the Companies. Key positions are appointed on the basis of approved personnel reserve. Meanwhile, Individual Development Plans (IDP) are developed for the reservists. Control over implementation of Individual Development Plans (IDP) is carried on the basis of results of the semi-annual and annual sessions.
Social support for employees
Company implements a wide range of socio-economic measures aimed at employees social support, including categorical aid program, housing allocation (to low-income families with many children), corporate housing, other financial support and resources in accordance with collective bargain agreement and internal policies and procedures of the company that directly affect the provision of a stable moral and psychological environment at the workplace.
Main targets
Remuneration system in the Group is based on the following principles:
• Fair remuneration for labor;
• Implementation of a personnel policy aimed at effective use of qualified personnel potential as well as retention of the personnel in structural units of the Group;
• Systematic increase in labor productivity and product quality;
• Ensuring economic stability of production units;
• Improvement of employees’ compensation system based on the results of production activities and compliance with occupational health and safety requirements.
Minimum monthly wage is set in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Meanwhile, the remuneration of all employees of the Group exceeds both minimum wage and minimum subsistence level established in the Republic.
Continuous improvement and enhancement of the corporate image is one of the key objectives of implemented programs and projects. Kazakhmys implements high value projects on an ongoing basis to support employees within the framework of various social programs. It undoubtedly affects the commitment of employees to the Company. In particular, in January-June 2021, a conducted sociological study was aimed at determination of involvement and commitment of employees to the activities of the Companies. The outcome of the study made it possible to develop a set of measures for further improvement of corporate culture.